Western + Vedic Natal plus Forecast Reading with Sarah and Erik


(Sliding scale available: $250-$325. Please contact me at sarahbarab@gmail.com)

A truly unique offering, this Natal Chart Reading is expanded to include both the Wetsern and Vedic approaches. Whereas Western astrology takes a more humanistic and psychological approach, Vedic astrology is more predictive in essence. In the Vedic system, the moon is given tremendous importance and illuminates the psyche of the individual in a distinctive way. Vedic cosmology traces the moon through the 27 “lunar mansions” called Nakshatras. Western and Vedic astrology offer different lenses, using them in combination can be especially powerful. Alongside my colleague Erik Drew, we have developed a unique offering: An expanded chart reading from both a Western and Vedic perspective.

Erik Drew is a lifelong practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism, having grown up as a monk from the age of 8. Born in Denmark, he travelled to India as a child and didn’t return to the West for many years. He became a “monklet” as he refers to himself back then and entered a Tibetan monastery. He became a close disciple of the 16th Karmapa, Rangjung Rigpe Dorje Rinpoche. Erik completed three-year retreat in his early 20’s in France and spent several years in cave retreat in Bhutan. He is a well-known Tibetan translator as well as a Vedic astrologer.

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